About Us
Dream Tech determined to create games that fits the country’s ethnic & cultural background. Exquisite gaming interface, blended with delicate sound effect and music, to recall the childhood memories.
We establish the company since year 2016 in Philippine, until today we expand another 4 office in different country which is Singapore, Australia, China and Malta.
For game production DT will come out with 2 new games every month, currently we have above 100 games.
Introduction of Product
Total Games : 112
Cascading - 43 ( 38.40% )
Line - 68 ( 60.71% )
Others - 1 ( 0.89% )
• Free Spin award management
• Cash Bonus management
• Suitable for all market
Low : 37 ( 33.04% )
Medium : 43 ( 38.39% )
High : 32 ( 28.57% )
Monthly TOP 20
Cascading Game - 70%
Why cascading game?
- Because can unlimited COMBO